利用气象观测站小时和分钟数据,结合港口调度中心和海事局提供的封航资料,挑选2013—2022年南大风过程,探讨港区南大风时空分布特征,归纳天气分型,计算阵风系数,最后评估EC细网格10 m风产品的预报性能。结果表明:10 年间南大风过程总计71次,天气形势主要有低压入海型(26 次)、高压后部型(26 次)和热带气旋型(19 次)。宁波舟山港南大风阵风系数为1.61,略大于浙江沿海冷空气大风系数1.5,而小于强对流大风系数1.8。南大风过程中偏南风和东南风较多,西南风较少。从时间分布看,7月、8月最易出现南大风,4月、5月次之,傍晚—上半夜最易出现南大风,而早晨—上午出现较少。从空间分布看,高频站点多出现在舟山片区,而宁波片区极少,可见宁波区域地理位置存在避风特性,有利于在南大风过程中开展生产作业。EC细网格对南大风过程的最大风速预报总体偏小,其中热带气旋型12 h预报的平均误差为-3.5 m/s,均方根误差为 4.9 m/s,风速预报误差最小,预报稳定性最好,预报水平总体优于低压入海型和高压后部型;分区预报中,宁波片区的预报效果略优于舟山片区;无论是分区域或是分型,EC细网格的预报水平从 72 h起明显下降。EC 细网格对东南风向的预报效果最优,且宁波片区的预报效果略优于舟山片区,对低压入海型和高压后部型的风向预报稳定性优于热带低压型。 |
Hourly and minute data from meteorological observations, sealing data provided by the port dispatch center and maritime bureau are used to discuss temporal-spatial distribution of south gale in Ningbo-Zhoushan port during 2013-2022, with emphasize on south gale processes, the associated weather situations, gust factors, as well as evaluation of 10 m wind forecasts from the EC fine model. The results show that there are 71 south gale processes in the 10 years under three weather situations, including depression move onto the sea (26 times), ground high back (26 times), and tropical cyclone (19 times). Gust factor of south gale in Ningbo-Zhoushan Port is 1.61, slightly higher than 1.5 of cold air mass and lower than 1.8 of abruptly severe convection. During south gale processes, the proportion of south - southeast wind direction is higher than that of southwest. Temporal distribution analysis reveals that south gale is most likely to occur in July-August followed by April-May, with high frequency in the evening while low frequency in the morning. As the wind speed grade increases, the total hour for each grade decreases gradually. Spatial distribution analysis reflects that stations with high frequency report of south gale locate in Zhoushan, the stations in Ningbo area are less affected by south gale which is suitable for production operation. Evaluation of the EC model reveals that the predicted wind speeds are lower than the observation, with the best performance under tropical cyclone (EM and ERMS for 12 h forecasts is -3.5 m/s and 4.9 m/s respectively), and the errors are relatively higher and the stability is relatively lower for the other two weather types. The EC forecasting performance in Ningbo is slightly better than that in Zhoushan, and the forecasting accuracy significant decreases from 72 h onward. The EC forecasts have the best performance for southeast wind direction. In addition, the wind direction forecasting stability in types of depression move onto the sea and ground high back are better than that of tropical cyclone. |
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