基于海洋观测与再分析数据的海底地形估算 |
作者:杨诚诚1 2 王传印2 王久珂2 3 杨清华2 4 |
单位:1. 中山大学海洋科学学院, 广东 珠海 519082; 2. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海), 广东 珠海 519000; 3. 中山大学人工智能学院, 广东 珠海 519082; 4. 中山大学大气科学学院, 广东 珠海 519082 |
关键词:海面高度 海底压强 海底地形 海底深度 |
分类号:P737.22 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2025·42·第一期(38-47) |
准确估算全球海底地形是海洋科学中的重要问题,也是经典难题。针对这一难题,从海洋动力学基础理论出发,提出了一条估算海底地形的新思路,即给定海面高度和海底压强,利用海水静力平衡关系高精度地估算海底地形。依据这个思路利用卫星海面高度和站位海底压强记录仪等观测数据对个别观测站位进行验证,同时利用再分析数据中的海面高度和海底压强在全球海域进行验证。结果显示,估算的海底地形误差明显小于卫星高度计和数字高程模型等传统观测手段的误差,表明上述思路具有较高的可靠性。 |
Accurately estimating the global seafloor topography is an important issue and a classic challenge in marine science. To tackle this problem, this study proposes a new approach for estimating the seafloor topography based on fundamental theories of ocean dynamics. Given sea surface height and ocean bottom pressure, the hydrostatic equilibrium relationship is utilized to effectively provide high-precision estimation of the seafloor topography. This paper validates the above approach at individual observation sites using satellite observations of sea surface height and records from bottom pressure recorders, and also in the global ocean using sea surface height and ocean bottom pressure from reanalysis datasets. The results show that the estimated seafloor topography errors are significantly smaller than those from traditional methods such as satellite altimetry and digital elevation models, indicating the high reliability of the proposed approach. |
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