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作者:郑华1 2  刘洁1 2  张文武3  肖毅1 2 
单位:1. 重庆交通大学 国家内河航道工程技术研究中心, 重庆 400074;
2. 重庆交通大学 河海学院, 重庆 400074;
3. 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司, 广东 广州 510290
关键词:钦江河口 径流潮差 数值模拟 盐水入侵距离 
In this paper, a three-dimensional mathematical model was constructed to quantitatively analyze the saltwater intrusion distance in the Qinjiang River Estuary under different combinations of runoff and tidal range. The results show that the change in saltwater intrusion distance was inversely proportional to the change in river runoff and positively proportional to the change in tidal range. Specifically, under conditions of minimal tidal range, a linear correlation is observed between the saltwater intrusion distance and river discharge. Conversely, as the tidal range intensifies, the relationship becomes increasingly nonlinear, conforming to a power function (y=axn). Furthermore, this investigation has yielded a predictive equation for saltwater intrusion distance, derived from nonlinear multiple regression analysis, which has been substantiated through rigorous validation. This formula is poised to aid in the optimization of local water resource allocation and management strategies.
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