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作者:张旭  杨亚婷 
单位:黄河水利职业技术学院, 河南 开封 475000
关键词:风暴潮 变水位 越浪量 数值模拟 
During storm surges, variations in water levels lead to dynamic changes in the relative freeboard of sea dike structures, necessitating improvements to the existing wave overtopping discharge formulas designed for constant water levels. To address this, this study uses FLUENT software to simulate wave overtopping processes under realistic storm surge hydrodynamic conditions, and analyzes the spectral characteristics of waves under varying water levels. Based on these analyses, the Eurotop (2018) wave overtopping formula is revised, and a new calculation formula for wave overtopping discharge is developed by introducing the concept of relative equivalent freeboard under variable water levels. This approach extends the applicability of the Eurotop (2018) formula and enhances its computational accuracy.
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