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作者:李海  白珊  张占海  吴辉碇 
单位:国家海洋环境预报中心 北京
关键词:海冰模式 ECOM-si模式 耦合 潮流 渤海 
For studying the action of tide on sea ice in the Bobal Sea, a sea ice model for the Bobal Sea is coupled with ECOM-st model. The coupled model is applied for research on the dynamic effects of tidal current and wind on ice in the Bobal Sea during winters and obvious character about sea ice movement in the Bobal Sea is got.
[1] Motoyoshi Ikeda, 1989, A coupled ice-ocean nnxed layer model of the mar2mal ice zone responding to wind forcing, J of Gcophys. Res,94, (C7), 9699~9709.
[2] Shelley H. Riedlinger and Ruth H. Preller, 1991,The development of a coupled ice-ocean model for forecasting ice conditions in the Arctic, J ofGeophys. Res,96, (C9), 16955~16977.
[3] Jari Haapala and Math Lepparanta, 1996,Simulating the Baltic Sea ice season with a coupled ice-ocean model, Tellus, 48A, 622~643.
[4] 万振文、乔方利、袁业立,1998,渤、黄、东海三维潮波运动数值模拟,海洋与湖沼,Vol. 29, No. 6, 611~616.
[5] 叶安乐、梅丽明,1995,渤黄东海潮波数值模拟.海洋与湖沼,Vol. 26, No. 1, 64~70.
[6] 赵保仁、方国洪、曹德明,1994渤黄东海潮汐潮流的数值模拟.海洋学报,Vol. 16, No 5, 1~10.
[7] Blumberg A. F and G. L Mellor, 1987, A Description of A Three-Dimensional Coastal Ocean Circulation Model,Three-Dimensional Coastal Ocean Models, N. Heaps. Ed,l一]6, American Geophys Umon
[8] 白珊、吴辉旋,1998,渤海的海冰数值预报,气象学报,Vol 56, No 2, 139~153.
[9] 吴辉旋、白珊、张占海,1998,海冰动力学过程的数值模拟,海洋学报,Vol20, No. 2, 1-13.
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