海洋生态系统动力学模型研究进展 |
作者:任湘湘 李海 吴辉碇 |
单位:国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081 |
关键词:海洋生态系统动力学 模型 研究进展 |
分类号:Q178 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2012·29·第一期(65-72) |
海洋生态系统动力学模型作为定量地认识和分析海洋生态系统现象的有力工具,近年来得到了长足发展。本文首先回顾了海洋生态动力学模型的发展历史,着重介绍了21世纪以来生态系统动力学模型的三大发展趋势:一是进一步探索海洋生态系统复杂性,二是全球气候变化与海洋生态系统的相互作用;三是不再局限于理论研究,而进入于灾害预报与评估、公共决策等应用领域。其次介绍了海洋生态动力学模型的分类及典型海洋生态动力学数值模型COHERENS的特点、功能和最新的应用情况。最后总结归纳了目前海洋生态动力学模型研究领域的几大问题与挑战,展望了该研究领域未来的发展趋势和方向。 |
With increasing pressure for a profound understanding of marine ecosystems, numerical modeling becomes a powerful tool for the research. The development of marine ecosystem dynamics model in the last decades is reviewed. In general, marine ecosystem dynamics model could be classified into several different categories according to various features. Typical model COHERENS(COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas)is introduced in this article. The latest study focussed on marine ecosystem dynamics model are summarized, for example, interaction between marine ecosystem and global climate change, biological approach models including higher trophic levels, application of ecosystem models in forecasting and public policy. Finally, issues and challenges in the marine ecosystem model in the near future are also discussed. |
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