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作者:吴玮1  刘秋兴2  于福江2  傅赐福2  董剑希2 
单位:1. 浙江省海洋监测预报中心, 浙江杭州310007;
2. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京100081
关键词:台风风暴潮 天文潮 淹没风险 
Taizhou city is one of the areas that are most vulnerable to typhoon storm surge in China.Inundation risk analysis is important to Taizhou's marine disaster prevention and mitigation.A typhoon track is selected as a reference,which could cause the maximum storm surge over the entire region.For the sake of safety,the maximum storm surge should be superimposed on the high astronomical tide.According to the intensity of typhoon, storm surge's intensity is divided into six categories.Inundation risk should be evaluated through the different flooding areas caused by storm surge for various intensity.It should be more reasonable to take the effect of barrier into consideration.Inundation risk assessment indicate that Taizhou city will be largely flooded due to the low elevation of Taizhou City.Furthermore,the severity of disaster depends on the inundation depth and extent.
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