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作者:刘铁军1  郑崇伟2  李训强3  张文静3 
单位:1. 海军海洋水文气象中心, 北京 100161;
2. 92538 部队, 辽宁大连 116041;
3. 解放军理工大学气象海洋学院, 江苏南京 211101
关键词:ERA-40风场资料 北印度洋 长期变化趋势 变化周期 
利用来自ECMWF的ERA-40风场资料,就北印度洋海表风速的长期变化趋势展开分析,以期可为海洋水文保障、防灾减灾、研究全球气候变化提供参考。结果表明:(1)1958—2001年期间,北印度洋低纬度海域、索马里至斯里兰卡一带的大范围海域的海表风速表现出显著的逐年线性递增趋势,基本在0.01—0.02 m·s-1·a-1;呈显著性递减的区域主要分布于亚丁湾、红海、波斯湾、斯里兰卡北部零星海域、以及缅甸仰光西南部近海等小范围海域,约-0.01—-0.005 m·s-1·a-1;阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾等海域的海表风速在近44年期间则无显著性变化趋势;(2)近44年期间,北印度洋海域的海表风速整体上以0.0061 m·s-1·a-1的速度显著性震荡递增,震荡区间在5.0—5.5 m·s-1之间;(3)不同海域海表风速的变化趋势在不同季节表现出很大差异:冬季和夏季,大部分海域海表风速的变化趋势显著,春季次之,秋季仅在赤道附近一带海域呈显著性递增;(4)近44年期间,北印度洋的海表风速存在显著的2.0年、2.6—3.7年、5.2年的变化周期,以及26年以上的长周期震荡。
In this paper, based on the ERA-40 wind field data from ECMWF (European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts), the long-term linear trend of sea surface wind speed from 1958 to 2001 in the northern Indian Ocean was analyzed. Results show that, (1) from 1958 to 2001, wind speed in low latitude of northern Indian Ocean and a wide range areas from Somalia to Sri Lanka shows an obvious increasing trend. Only some scatter regions have a decreasing trend during the last 44 years. (2) Sea surface wind speed in the entire of the northern Indian Ocean shows an obvious increasing trend with a rate of 0.0061m·s-1·a-1 from 1958 to 2011. (3) Linear trends of sea surface wind speed in different areas of the northern Indian Ocean have prominent seasonal variability. (4) During the last 44 years, there is a significant 2.0 years 2.6—3.7 years, 5.2 years of change cycles, and 26 years of long-period oscillation for the North Indian Ocean sea surface wind speed.
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