海洋锋是特性明显不同的两种或几种水体之间的水平分布高梯度带。海洋锋对海战场环境存在重要影响。文中基于高性能计算机平台,采用海洋动力模式和先进的数据同化技术制作的海洋数值再分析产品(China Ocean Reanalysis,CORA),研究了东中国海温度锋和盐度锋分别在表层和50 m层深度上的季节变化特征。通过分析发现温度锋在冬季主要分布在东海及台湾海峡,在夏季主要分布在渤海及黄海;春秋两季的变化介于冬夏两季之间;东海黑潮区四季皆存在温度锋。盐度锋主要存在于黄河和长江等径流入海区附近。温度锋和盐度锋的季节变化主要受气象条件、河流入海和近岸升降流季节变化的共同影响。 |
Oceanic front is a kind of high horizontal gradient band between two or more different characteristics waters.Oceanic front exist significant influence on marine battleground.In this paper,base on super computers,using oceanic dynamic model and advanced data assimilate technique,manufactured CORA(China Ocean Reanalysis),the three dimensional seasonal variation characteristics of temperature front and salinity front are analyzed.The results show that the temperature front mainly distributes in the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait in winter,and mainly distributes in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in summer.Temperature front exists in four seasons in Kuroshio in the East China Sea.Salinity front mainly exists in the Changjiang River and Yellow River estuaries and is vicinity.The variation of oceanic fronts is mainly influenced by sea surface atmosphere,river accessing to the sea and offshore up-down steams. |
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