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作者:刘金芳1  毛可修1 2  张晓娟1  梁新友1  李颜1 
单位:1. 海军海洋水文气象中心, 北京 100073;
2. 中国海洋大学, 山东青岛 266100
关键词:中国海 密度跃层 分布特征 
Based on the collection of 105 years'ocean surveying data of South China Sea and the sea area around Taiwan from the year 1900 to 2004, which is analyzed by the resolution of 0.5°×0.5°, and with reference to related marine atlases for hydrology and the Hydrological Analysis and Operational System of China Sea that developed by Atmosphere and Hydrology Center of the General Staff and National Ocean Information Center, the article illustrated the regional and seasonal characteristics of the pycnocline of the entire China Sea and the rule of its variations. The geographic, meteorologic and hydrological conditions of China Sea show distinct varieties, resulting in various types of pycnocline. The pycnoclines show strong disparity and complexity in regional distribution. The research of pycnocline has significant academic and practical values for oceanography, naval vessels'traveling and the constructions of National Defence.
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