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作者:盛迎新1  李近元1  赵志群1  陈晨1  张曦文1  冯兴如2 3 
单位:1. 中能电力科技开发有限公司, 北京 100034;
2. 中国科学院海洋研究所, 山东青岛 266071;
3. 中国科学院海洋环流与波动重点实验室, 山东青岛 266071
关键词:福建近海 潮汐 潮流 风电场 
为了研究福建近海海上风电场区海域的水动力环境,对该海域进行了大、中、小潮期间的潮流观测,以及一个月的潮位观测。基于实测资料,分析了该海域的潮汐和潮流特征。分析结果显示,该海域潮汐为正规半日潮,潮流同时具有规则和不规则半日潮流性质;涨潮历时平均小于落潮历时10 min;观测期间最大流速为1.33 m/s,余流最大为0.18 m/s;10个观测站位处,计算所得最大可能流速为1.64 m/s。该研究成果将为海上风电场的开发提供重要的动力环境参数。
Tidal current were observed during the spring and neap tide circle and one month consecutive sea elevation measurement were made in order to study on the hydrodynamic environment of the coastal waters in the offshore wind farms in Fujian. Tide and tidal current characteristics in this area were analyzed based on those observations. According to the results, the tide in the study area is regular semidiurnal; the tidal current is with the nature of both regular and irregular semidiurnal, depending on the position of the observation; the flood tide lasts 10 minutes shorter than the ebb tide on average; the maximum current speed during the observation is 1.33 m/s, and the maximum residual current speed is 0.18 m/s; the calculated maximum possible current speed of the ten observation points is 1.64 m/s. The hydrodynamic parameters used for offshore wind farm are provided in this study.
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[6] 韩树宗, 贾宁. 基于ECOMSED模式的兴化湾三维潮流泥沙数 值模拟研究[J]. 中国海洋大学学报, 2012, 42(4): 1-6.
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