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作者:庄卉1  郑崇伟2  贾本凯3  郭随平1 
单位:1. 解放军理工大学气象海洋学院, 江苏南京 211101;
2. 92538部队气象台, 辽宁大连 116041;
3. 91967部队, 河北邢台 054100
关键词:ERA-40 海浪资料 波浪能 能流密度 稳定性 
利用来自ECMWF的ERA-40海浪资料对北大西洋的波浪能资源进行统计分析,研究方法可为我国的波浪能资源评估提供参考。研究发现如下主要特征:(1)北大西洋蕴藏着丰富的波浪能,波浪能流密度的大值区常年位于冰岛南部及西南部海域;(2)整个北大西洋能流密度大于2 kW/m出现的频率较高,基本都在90 %左右;(3)在北大西洋,涌浪的能流密度比风浪能流密度更为稳定,低纬度海域的波浪能流密度比中高纬海域更为稳定。充分依据涌浪具有能量大、稳定性好等优点,在该海域进行海水淡化、海浪发电等波浪能资源开发工作,有利于缓解人类能源危机,将具有广阔前景。
In this paper, the wave energy in the North Atlantic Ocean is analyzed based on the ERA-40 wave data from ECMWF. The primary characteristics are found as follow, (1) the North Atlantic Ocean is rich in wave energy, especially the south and southwest of Iceland; (2) the wave energy density is more likely to be more than 2kW/m in most areas of the North Atlantic Ocean, the frequency is around 90 percent; (3) in the North Atlantic Ocean, the swell wave energy is more steady than the wind wave energy; and the wave energy in the low-latitude of the North Atlantic Ocean is more steady than the high-latitude.
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