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作者:高清清  曹兵  高鑫鑫  徐常三 
单位:国家海洋局南通海洋环境监测中心站, 江苏南通 226005
关键词:南通沿海 台风风暴潮 预报公式 
Using typhoon data over the Northwestern Pacific from 2000 to 2011 and the meteorological and hydrological data of Lvsi, the typhoon influenced Nantong and typhoon storm surge are analyzed. The results show that in the last ten years,the typhoon that influenced the Nantong coastal zone can be classified into four categories: first, proceeding northward off the coast of Nantong; second, changing its course off the coast of Zhejiang; third, proceeding northward inland and getting into sea from Jiangsu after landing; and forth, getting into sea soon after landing. Storm surge caused by typhoons with different pathways have different features, and the corresponding forecasting formulas are set up in different forms. The storm surge caused by the third kind of typhoon is weaker than three others. The storm surge caused by the second has significant semi-diurnal period so that the coupling effect between storm surge and astronomical tide must be carefully considered. The extreme storm surge formulas of the first and third have been proved suitable.
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