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作者:郑崇伟1  游小宝2 3  潘静3  陈晓斌1 
单位:1. 92538部队, 辽宁大连 116041;
2. 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029;
3. 北京应用气象研究所, 北京 100029
关键词:钓鱼岛 黄岩岛 波浪能 风能 海洋环境特征 
利用模拟海浪数据、CCMP风场资料,对我国钓鱼岛、黄岩岛附近海域的波浪能、风能资源特征展开研究,为海浪发电、风力发电、海水淡化等资源开发工作提供参考,也期望可为解决我国维护海洋权益、海洋资源开发、在边远海岛驻军、军用/民用舰船在远洋活动的电力、淡水问题提供科学依据和辅助决策。此外本研究还就钓鱼岛、黄岩岛附近海域的风力等级频率、浪级频率、风向频率、波向频率等海洋环境特征进行统计分析,为海洋工程、防灾减灾等提供参考。结果表明:(1)钓鱼岛海域的风能密度呈单峰型月变化特征,年平均值为450W·m-2,黄岩岛海域的风能密度呈“W”型月变化特征,年平均值为228W·m-2;钓鱼岛年平均值波浪能流密度为14 kW·m-1,黄岩岛为11 kW·m-1;(2)钓鱼岛、黄岩岛海域的有效风速、可用波高、100W·m-2以上风能密度、2 kW·m-1以上波浪能流密度出现频率都整体较高,这对资源开发是很有利的;(3)1988—2010年期间,钓鱼岛、黄岩岛的风能密度、波浪能流密度整体呈递增趋势,这对风能、波浪能资源的开发也是有利的。(4)从资源的储量来看,钓鱼岛、黄岩岛蕴藏着丰富的波浪能、风能资源,且资源储量比我国沿海平均值丰富。综上,钓鱼岛、黄岩岛海域蕴藏着丰富的、适宜开发的风能、波浪能资源,实行海浪发电、风力发电、风浪联合发电、海水淡化等工作,将具有广阔的军事和经济前景。
This paper presents the characteristics of wave energy and wind energy resources in Fishing Islands and Scarborough Shoal, by using simulation wave data and CCMP (Cross-Calibrated, Multi-Platform) wind data between 1988 and 2010. It provides reference on wave and wind power generation, water desalination and resources development, and also help to maintain the maritime rights and interests, ocean resources development, as well as the scientific basis and decision making on electricity and fresh water problems. The value of energy density, frequency of effective wind speed, frequency of effective significant wave height, energy scale frequency, long term trend of energy density, storage of energy resources, and feature of ocean environment were analyzed, aiming to apply references to the exploitation of wind energy and wave energy resources. The results show that, (1) Annual average wind energy is 450W/m2 in Fishing Islands, and 228W/m2 in Scarborough Shoal. Annual average wave energy is 14 kW/m in Fishing Islands, and 11kW/m in Scarborough Shoal. (2) Frequency of effective wind speed, effective significant wave height (SWH), wind energy density larger than 100W/m2, wave energy density larger than 2kW/m are high in both Fishing Islands and Scarborough Shoal, which is benefit to the exploitation of renewable energy. (3) From 1988 to 2010, wind energy density and wave energy density in both Fishing Islands and Scarborough Shoal have obvious increasing trends. (4) The storage of wind and wave energy in both Fishing Islands and Scarborough Shoal are abundant. In conclusion, the wind and wave power are rich and suitable to development in Fishing Islands and Scarborough Shoal, and it will have broad prospect of military and economic on wave and wind power generation, water desalination, etc.
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