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作者:王坚红1 2  周雨1 3  李洪利1 2  苗春生1  牛丹4 
单位:1. 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 江苏 南京 210044;
2. 海洋动力环境与卫星海洋学实验室, 江苏 南京 210044;
3. 江西省气象局江西 南昌 330046;
4. 辽宁省气象信息中心, 辽宁 沈阳 110166
关键词:长江口杭州湾 冬半年 海洋热动能 寒潮过程 FVCOM-SWAVE耦合模式 
Using air and sea reanalysis data and FVCOM-SWAVE coastal coupled model, during the cold season (Nov. —Mar.of 2004—2009),the characteristics of ocean thermodynamic energy and their response to the cold wave events from the north and the west paths invaded into the Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay sea region are analyzed and simulated. The result shows that the current energy in the sea region are mainly influenced by both current systems of the Kuroshio current and the alongshore currents. The two current systems are impacted by the intensity of monsoon, the river runoff, especially its flooding and low-water periods. In Feb. the SST has a large temperature gradient in sea surface, which shows that the cold SST at northern Yellow sea is strong and powerful. The cold wave with the north path creates the sea residue current going to south and the water level increasing towards the coast. The cold wave with the west path creates the sea residue current going to the east and its Ekman mass transport towards the south. The type of cold wave results in the minus sea level in the Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay. The SST dropping down usually delays 1—2 d to cold wave invasion. The SST is lower than the sea temperature at bottom level, and the SST dropping extent is larger at near shore places than at off shore, such temperature vertical distribution can maintain 3—5 d. The sea temperature mixing of surface and bottom at offshore is quicker within 1—2 d after cold wave arriving, and the decreasing extent is larger at near-shore than at off shore. By coupling wave module, the response of water level to cold wave is stronger, and the quality of the modeling products is obviously improved. Furthermore the comparison is made for the sea current energy and sea temperature different energy among 3 systems of sea temperature trough and ridge, and the result shows that the strong cold wave process forces cold water mass from the north to the south and results in the sea thermodynamic energy increases rapidly, and the increasing amount is remarkable in the regional sea during cold season.
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