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作者:孙青1 2  盛春岩3  刘畅4  范苏丹3 
单位:1. 南京大学大气科学学院, 江苏 南京 210093;
2. 山东省气象局, 山东 济南 250031;
3. 山东省气象科学研究所, 山东 济南 250031;
4. 山东省气象台, 山东 济南 250031
关键词:冷锋 动量下传 变压风 次级环流 
应用国家自动气象观测站资料、常规观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°气候预测系统再分析资料,分析了2013 年3 月18 日发生在渤海海域的一次强风天气过程,并剖析了其成因。结果表明:此过程为冷锋影响下的偏北大风,大风影响过程中,自上而下形成了冷平流的传输通道,冷空气向低层迅速传播,造成近地面层强冷平流,是强风产生的重要原因,同时冷空气影响时,强烈变压引起的变压风是强风产生的另一重要原因。另外,前期增温使得冷锋来临时锋区强度加大,从而引发强风。当冷锋过境,垂直锋面的次级环流导致强烈的动量下传也是造成瞬时强烈阵风的重要原因之一。
By using automatic meteorological observation station data, conventional observation data and NECP data with 1°×1° resolution, a gale process occurred on March 18th, 2013 in Bohai Sea and the causes of the gale are analyzed. The results show that the gale is caused by the cold front. During the process of gale, a transmission path for the cold advection from top to bottom is formed, and the cold air is transported into the low level rapidly which leads to strong cold advection near surface. The allobaric wind caused by severe pressure swing is another important reason for gale accompanied by the coming of cold air mass. Besides, the intensity of cold front which leads to gale, is strengthened by increasing temperature occurring before the arrival of cold front. The downward momentum transportation resulting from the secondary circulation crossing the cold front also play an important role in the instantaneous strong gust.
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