北极东北航道通航窗口研究 |
作者:马龙1 王加跃2 刘星河3 李振华4 |
单位:1. 大连海事大学航海学院, 辽宁 大连 116026; 2. 重庆青林土地勘测规划设计有限公司 重庆 400030; 3. 布法罗大学地理系, 纽约 布法罗 14228; 4. 中交天津航道局有限公司, 天津 300450 |
关键词:东北航道 通航窗口 海冰密集度 |
分类号:U697.33;P731.15 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2018·35·第一期(52-59) |
研究提出航线通航窗口这一概念,并针对东北航道提取了2005—2014年的航线通航窗口。通过对航线通航起讫时间和通航期的分析表明:东北航道平均通航起始时间为7月中下旬,结束时间为10月中下旬,平均通航期90 d左右,十年间通航期波动比较大,没有稳定的变化趋势;影响航线通航的关键水域包括:东西伯利亚水域、拉普捷夫海水域和维利基茨基海峡至谢尔盖·基洛夫群岛水域。研究表明:利用航线通航窗口可较好地反映航线所经水域的冰情,可为船舶开发利用北极航线,制定安全、经济的航行计划提供支持。 |
To investigate the ice condition along these passages, the navigable window of sailing route (navigable window for short) was introduced and calculated for the Northeast Passage from 2005 to 2014. By analyzing the characteristics of the navigable window, it showed that the average navigable start date of the Northeast Passage was mid-to-late July, the average navigable end date was mid-to-late October, and the average navigable period was about 90 days. During the ten years, the navigable period had a great fluctuation with no stable trend. Based on the change of the navigable window, waters of East Siberian Sea, Laptev Sea, and area from Vilkitsky Strait to Sergey Kirov Islands were determined as critical waters, which influenced the navigation of the Northeast Passage greatest. The results showed that the navigable window could reflect the ice condition along the Northeast Passage effectively, support the development of Arctic passages, and make safe, economic sailing plan. |
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