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作者:戴玉玲  张伟  包畯 
单位:国卫星海上测控部, 江苏 江阴 214400
关键词:热带西太平洋 Argo 温跃层 垂直梯度法 S-T方法 拟阶梯函数法 
Based on the Argo floats data, three different methods, including vertical gradient method, S-T method and quasi-step function method, are used to estimate the thermocline characteristics in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean(127°~128°E,10°~16°N).The Results show that the decision criterion of 0.03℃/m is much more suitable for this area when using vertical gradient method.The upper boundary depth calculated by S-T method are shallower than that calculated by vertical gradient method.S-T method can simplified the calculation when in weak solar radiation season. The quasi-step function method can calculate the range of the upper thermocline and the depths of lower thermocline's upper boundary intuitively, while with some serious errors when estimating the depths of lower boundary.
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