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作者:史得道1  黄彬2  吴振玲3 
单位:1. 天津海洋中心气象台, 天津 300074;
2. 国家气象中心, 北京 100081;
3. 天津市气象台, 天津 300074
关键词:海雾 水汽输送 逆温 海气温差 湍流热通量 
FY satellite data, automatic stations data and NCEP reanalysis data were used to analysis the formation mechanism of the Sea Fog from 3th to 5th March, 2016 over the Bohai and Yellow Sea. The results show that inversion layer, low level rise and middle level sinking provided favorable stratification conditions. Water vapour conditions were derived from Yellow Sea transport. The warm and moist air was transported northward by the south and southeast wind, then was delivered to Bohai Sea by the east wind. Air-sea interface turbulent heat exchange caused cooling. The turbulent heat transported from atmosphere to sea led to moist air cooling down, water vapor condensed and saturated, then Sea Fog formed.
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