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作者:蒋璐璐1  朱佳敏2  杜坤1  涂小萍1 3 
单位:1. 宁波市气象局, 浙江 宁波 315012;
2. 宁波市北仑区气象局, 浙江 宁波, 315826;
3. 宁波大学 宁波市非线性海洋和大气灾害系统协同创新中心, 浙江 宁波 315211
关键词:风塔 冷空气 风速廓线 对数律 
利用常规气象观测、浙江省自动气象站及宁波凉帽山高塔梯度观测资料,对浙江近海2010年12月28日一次冷空气大风个例进行风、温等气象要素边界层特征分析,计算摩擦速度、粗糙度和粘性副层厚度等特征参数,探讨冷空气大风对浙江近海海面粗糙度的影响,进一步给出了摩擦速度、粗糙度与风速之间的定量关系,并对2010年12月29日21时-30日24时和2015年1月21日19-22日10时两次冷空气大风个例进行风廓线拟合检验,基于此推算这两次个例海面10 m风速,并与浮标站进行对比。结果表明:锋面逐渐靠近时风速随高度递增率明显大于锋面过境远离时段。摩擦速度与风速呈线性关系,粗糙度与风速呈二次多项式增长。光滑流时对数律风廓线对100 m以下高度风速拟合效果最好,当低层风速较小时,对数律拟合风速易偏小,反之则易偏大。
Based on the conventional meteorological observation data, Zhejiang automatic weather stations data and Ningbo meteorological tower gradient observation data, characteristics of wind and temperature at the boundary layer during the winter cold weather process on 28 December 2010 in Zhejiang have been analyzed. Several characteristic parameters also have been calculated, such as the friction velocity, the roughness and the viscous layer thickness for discussing the change of the sea surface roughness when the cold wind effected. The quantitative relationship between wind speed with the friction velocity and the roughness has been given. Meanwhile, the simulated tests of two cold wind processes, which one from 21:00 BT 29 to 24:00 BT 30 December 2010 and another from 19:00 BT 21 to 10:00 BT 22 January 2015, have been investigated by the logarithmic wind profile formula. The 10m sea surface wind speeds have been calculated and compared with buoy data. The result shows that, for the cold wind weather, the wind velocity increases faster with height when the frontal surface comes close rather than when it leaves far away. Friction velocity has a linear relationship with the wind speed, and roughness is quadratic polynomial growth with that. The vertical mean wind profiles fit the logarithmic law of the Smooth flow with the height up to 100 m. When the lower wind speed is small, the mean wind speed estimated by the logarithmic law can easily be underestimated, but when the wind speed increases that will be overvalued.
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