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作者:姚睿1  郑小童2  蒋灏1  杨凡1  刘保清1 
单位:1. 泉州海洋环境监测预报中心, 福建 泉州 362000;
2. 中国海洋大学, 山东 青岛 266000
关键词:ENSO非对称 ENSO指数 降水异常 降水特征 线性关系 
Multiple sets of marine meteorological data from 1966 to 2015 are used to analyze the characteristics of ENSO asymmetry in tropical Pacific Ocean. It is shown that the intensity of ENSO warm event is greater than that of ENSO cold event in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean., whereas it is opposite in the equatorial mid and western Pacific Ocean with asymmetry in amplitude intensity and position. Furthermore, the precipitation anomaly shows a "positive-negative-positive" pattern in the tropical Indian-Pacific Ocean during the winter of El Niño event, while it shows a "negative-positive-negative-positive" pattern during the winter of La Niña event. The positive and negative center of precipitation anomaly during the winter of El Niño event and La Niña event reveals meridional deviation in various degree, which demonstrate the asymmetry of precipitation anomaly in the winter of ENSO cold and warm events. Quantitative calculation of the contribution of precipitation to the tropical ocean suggest that precipitation mainly is gained in El Nino years in the equatorial mid-Pacific Ocean and gained in La Niña years in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, whereas it is largely gained in neutral years in the tropical Indian Ocean and the equatorial western Pacific Ocean. In addition, a significant linear relationship is found between the equatorial western Pacific Ocean and the equatorial mid-Pacific and its adjacent eastern areas by dividing the linear and non-linear areas of El Niño intensity and tropical precipitation in the tropical IndianPacific Ocean.
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