首先利用中国第八次北极考察队期间获取的走航观测数据分析了环北极考察的海雾特征。接下来利用在北冰洋密集浮冰区海雾加密观测实验期间获取的GPS探空观测数据和NCEP再分析资料,研究了北冰洋浮冰区海雾生成的气象要素特征、边界层特征和大气环流形势特征,发现浮冰区冰雪面之上的冷空气穹丘使得大气易于达到饱和,为北冰洋不同种类海雾的出现造了有利条件。平流雾、辐射雾和蒸汽雾生消的机理和影响期间边界层气象特征各不相同,并且根据特定环流形势对3种海雾进行预报是可行的。 |
GPS radiosonde data and NCEP reanalysis data observed over the Arctic pack ice during the 8th Arctic Expedition in summer 2017 are used to characterize the sea fog and its source mechanisms. It is found that the atmosphere tends to saturate due to the cold air dome over the pack ice, which is favorable for the formation of sea fog. The formation and dissipation mechanism among advection fog, radiation fog and steam fog are different, so does the meteorological condition of the boundary layer when they occur. Three types of sea fog corresponded to different synoptic conditions at 500 hPa, which could be used to enhance the ability of sea fog forecasting. |
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