观测资料中大西洋和青藏高原东部地区冷暖波动的同步性 |
作者:李响 史珍 张蕴斐 渠鸿宇 |
单位:国家海洋环境预报中心 海洋灾害预报技术研究重点实验室, 北京 100081 |
关键词:大西洋多年代际振荡 青藏高原 气温 增暖 |
分类号:P732.5 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2019·36·第三期(1-8) |
利用观测及模式模拟研究了大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)对青藏高原(TP)夏季气温的影响。观测资料的分析表明:大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)是TP夏季气温年代际变化的重要远程驱动因子。AMO与TP东部地区夏季气温存在显著的同步变化关系并且TP气温的年代际变率可以在很大程度上由AMO所解释。基于观测和大气环流模型(AGCM)模拟,进一步确定了从北大西洋到TP远程影响的物理机制。观测和AGCM模拟都表明:AMO暖位相会引起海平面气压在大西洋-欧亚大陆地区形成纬向偶极子型,导致TP局地气压异常升高和异常的下沉运动,进一步引起TP东部地区在夏季出现异常的干旱和高温。 |
In this paper, the effects of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) on summer temperature over the Tibet Plateau (TP) are studied using observation and model simulations. Using the observation data, we find that the AMO is an important remote driving factor for decadal variation of summer temperature over TP. The decadal variability of summer temperature over TP can mainly be explained by AMO. Based on observation and atmospheric circulation model (AGCM) simulation, the physical mechanism of the remote impact from the North Atlantic to TP is further determined. Both observation and simulation show that the AMO warm phase causes the formation of zonal dipole pattern of sea level pressure in the Atlantic-Eurasian region, which leads to the anomaly increase of local pressure and descending motion of TP, and further causes the anomaly drought and high temperature in summer in the TP. Our findings emphasize that the AMO plays a key role in the decadal temperature variability of TP. |
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