面向海洋业务化预报,发展了一个Argo数据处理系统(简称“ADPS”),具有Argo数据的自动化、流程化下载、提取、质量控制、去除季节循环、数据网格化、格式化输出等功能。在介绍ADPS的基础上,以中国南海和地中海东南侧Levantine海的Argo廓线处理为例,对比了ADPS提供的3种质量控制方案,发现“平均值-标准差”方法可有效的识别存在明显误差的廓线;通过对比四种提取季节循环的方案,发现使用WOA13数据可以提取最为显著的季节循环。用户可以通过ADPS提供的各种功能选项,为预报系统准备Argo观测数据,也可以基于目前的代码对ADPS进一步开发,满足海洋业务化预报和科研的需求。 |
Argo data has become an important tool for the understanding of the thermohaline condition under ocean surface, which is also widely used in the operational marine forecast. For the needs of marine forecast, an Argo Data Processing System (ADPS) is developed, which contains the function of data downloading, profile extractions, quality control, seasonal cycle removal, data gridding and formatted output in automatic manner. We compare the three quality control methods of ADPS using the Argo profiles in the South China Sea and Levantine Sea southeast of the Mediterranean Sea, and found that the "mean-standard deviation" method can effectively remove problematic Argo profiles. By comparing four seasonal cycle removal methods, it is found that the most significant seasonal cycle can be extracted using the WOA13 data. ADPS can be used to prepare Argo data for operational marine forecasting system, and can be further modified and developed based on the needs of operational marine forecast and scientific research. |
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