利用2012—2017年珠江口海区一个自动气象站的分钟级观测数据,从年变化、季节分布、日变化、强度和维持时间等方面对对流阵性大风和阵性强降水两种短时强对流天气进行了统计分析,并对阵性强降水过程中雨强和能见度的关系进行了研究。结果表明:珠江口海区每年阵性强降水发生次数约为对流阵性大风的两倍,二者均主要发生在春夏季且均呈现为“双峰”结构,二者发生的日变化规律明显不同;对流阵性大风过程中最大风力平均为7级,最大可达10级,阵性强降水过程中最大雨强平均为1.4 mm/min,最大可达3.5 mm/min;二者维持时间均很短,平均为5 min左右,对流阵性大风持续时间相对更长且强度与维持时间不是线性关系分布;阵性强降水过程对能见度有强烈的影响,能见度和雨强呈幂函数关系分布,能见度随着雨强的增大先是迅速降低而后缓慢降低。 |
High-resolution data of an automatic weather station sampled on a minute timescale in the Pearl River Estuary from 2012 to 2017 is used to statistically analyze the characteristics of convective wind gale (CWG) and heavy shower(HS) in terms of annual and diurnal variation, seasonal distribution, intensity and duration, and to study the relationship between shower intensity and visibility in HS events. It is found that the frequency of HS is about twice as much as CWG, whereas both weather events mainly occur in spring and summer with a doublepeak distribution and distinct diurnal variation. The average wind scale of CWG is level 7 with a maximum level of 10. The average intensity of HS is 1.4 mm/min with a maximum precipitation of 3.5 mm/min. The average duration of CWG and HS events is about 5 minutes. Relatively, the CWG lasts longer than HS and reveals a nonlinear relationship between its intensity and duration. HS has a strong influence on the visibility. The visibility drops rapidly at the beginning and then decreases slowly as shower intensity increases, which reveals a powerfunction relationship between shower intensity and visibility. |
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