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作者:朱男男1 2  王雪莲3  马建铭1 
单位:1. 天津海洋中心气象台, 天津 300074;
2. 天津市海洋气象重点实验室, 天津 300074;
3. 天津市气象科学科研所, 天津 300074
关键词:数值模拟 下垫面 黄渤海 爆发性气旋 
利用天津WRF中尺度数值预报业务模式,对2013年11月24—25日一次爆发性气旋过程进行数值模拟,模拟方案分别为:控制实验(ctrl)、将整体黄渤海下垫面变为陆地实验(land)、将122°E以西的渤海海洋下垫面变为陆地实验(land-122)、将122°E以东到黄海中部的海洋下垫面变为陆地实验(land+122)。结果表明:将黄渤海海域全部转换成陆地后,气旋中心海平面气压场最大值升高5 hPa。10 m风场减弱最大值出现在气旋中心,可达19 m/s,下垫面对气旋的影响主要在强度和风力大小的变化。黄海海域风力减小普遍超过10 m/s。将122°E西部的渤海转换成陆地后,渤海海域风速最大值减小了12 m/s。黄海海域的气旋中心部分风力有微弱变化,气旋中心风力稍有增大,最大增加了4 m/s。将122°E东部的黄海转换成陆地后,海平面气压场的变化与land实验接近,10 m风场在黄海南部风力略高于land实验。
Using the Tianjin Weather Research and Forecasting mesoscale numerical prediction model, a numerical simulation is conducted for an explosive cyclone over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea on 24 to 25 November 2013. The sensitive experiments are designed as follows:control run (ctrl), turn the overall underlying surface of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea into land (land), turn the underlying surface of the Bohai sea west of 122°E into land (land-122), turn the underlying surface of the Bohai sea east of 122°E into land (land+122). The results show that the maximum sea level pressure in the center of the cyclone increased by 5 hPa in experiment (land). The largest decrease of 10 m wind speed occurs in the center of the cyclone with a maximum of 10 m/s. The underlying surface mainly influence the intensity and wind speed of the cyclones. The wind speed in the Yellow Sea generally decreases by over 10 m/s. The wind speed in the Bohai Sea decreased up to 12 m/s in experiment (land-122). The wind speed in the center of the cyclone increases slightly in the Yellow Sea with a maximum increase of 4 m/s. The change of sea level pressure field in experiment (land+122) is close to that in the land experiment, while the 10 m wind speed in the southern Yellow Sea is slightly higher than that in the experiment (land).
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