以藤田台风风场为驱动ADCIRC模型,经实测数据验证,较好地模拟了1808号台风“玛莉亚”风暴潮过程。基于1808号路径西行登陆闽北型台风,设计了不同区段、不同移速下的敏感性实验,分析了台风在闽北海域西行段(121.9°~119.9°E)的移速调整对于鳌江站增水的作用。结果表明:台风于西行前段(121.9°~121.0°E)的高移速有利于鳌江站增水快速增大,西行后段(121.0°~119.9°E)的低移速有利于增水维持高位,从而与天文潮高潮位碰头,二者互相配合导致鳌江站突破红色警戒潮位值。当台风以20~50 km/h匀速西行时,台风移速越快,鳌江站增水极值越大,增水维持高位时间越短;此外移速快还加剧了台风不对称性,加入台风移行风场后,最大增水值增加了8%~25%。 |
Storm surge processes are simulated based on the ADCIRC model with Fujita typhoon model and simulation result has a good agreement with measured data. In this paper, model results of Aojiang station are used to analysis moving speed's impact on storm surge in different segment of "Maria" (1808). We also compare the peak storm surge of Aojiang between different uniform speed experiments. Based on the route of "Maria" (1808), we designed different segment and different typhoon speed experiments and model results of Aojiang station are used to analysis moving speed's impact on storm surge under wester landing northern-Fujian route. It indicates that high moving speed of forepart(121.9°~121.0° E)was beneficial to fast enhancement of storm surge in Aojiang station, the low moving speed of posterior segment (121.0°~119.9°E)was beneficial to storm surge kept in a high level and met the high water level of astronomical tide, so the water level of Aojiang station break through the red warning water level eventually; When typhoon moving speed is faster, the peak storm surge is higher and the time-period of tide stays in high level is shorter; high speed also increase the asymmetry of typhoon. The peak surge of Aojiang station can increase 8%~25% when shift wind field is considered. |
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