1909号台风“利奇马”影响期间浙江大风分布特征及成因分析 |
作者:王丽娟1 邓方俊1 史珩瑜2 杨亦萍1 |
单位:1. 浙江省台州市气象局, 浙江 台州 318000; 2. 浙江省预警信息发布中心, 浙江 杭州 310002 |
关键词:大风 台风 “利奇马” 海温 垂直风切变 |
分类号:P458.1+23 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2020·37·第六期(83-95) |
利用NCEP FNL再分析资料(1°×l°和0.25°×0.25°)、NOAA日平均海温及其距平资料(0.25°×0.25°)和浙江常规气象观测站实况10 m高度风资料,对1909号台风"利奇马"影响期浙江期间的大风分布特征及其成因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)台风"利奇马"影响期间,浙江大风极端风力强,测站最大极大风达到61.4 m/s,强风出现时间长、大风范围广、登陆后大风减弱慢;(2)浙江局地强风的提前出现与台风强度增强有关,1910号台风"罗莎"对副高的间接影响以及登陆后台风"利奇马"与西风带槽的合并影响,导致台风"利奇马"北向分量加大;登陆后的台风"利奇马"离开浙江台州后只经低海拔和平原路径导致地面摩擦少,强度减弱慢,且地面东北侧高压加强南落导致登陆后浙江地区气压梯度仍较大,使登陆后浙江极端大风仍较强且持续时间长;(3)台风"利奇马"登陆前和登陆时的中尺度特征表明:高空维持较大风速,下沉运动使高层动量下传导致低层或地面大风猛增;(4)登陆前台风"利奇马"所经洋面高海温分布是导致台风强度迅速增强的原因,临近登陆前近海海温较低导致强度略有减弱。登陆前台风"利奇马"中心范围垂直风切变大小对台风强度有一定的预报指示作用:登陆前垂直切变值偏大,台风强度增长缓慢;垂直切变值迅速减小则有利于台风强度迅速增强。 |
Using the NCEP FNL reanalysis data (1°×l° and 0.25°×0.25°), the NOAA daily mean sea temperature and its anomaly data (0.25°×0.25°) and the Zhejiang conventional meteorological observatory wind data at the height of 10 meters, the distribution characteristics and causes of gale winds when typhoon "Lekima" (1909) affected Zhejiang province are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the long-lasting gale winds caused by the typhoon "Lekima" cover a wide range of Zhejiang province with the maximum wind speed of 61.4 m/s, and the gale winds weakens gradually after landing. The early occurrence of local gale winds in Zhejiang province is related to the increase of the typhoon intensity. The indirect impact of typhoon "Rosa" (1910) on the subtropical high and the combined effect of "Lekima" after landing with the westerly belt trough results in the intensification of the northward component of "Lekima". Typhoon "Lekima" traveled through low altitude and plain paths after landing and left Taizhou, resulting in weak friction on the ground and slower intensity weakening. Moreover, the intensification of high pressure system northeast of "Lekima" increases the pressure gradient over Zhejiang province, resulting in the long duration of extreme gale winds after the landing of "Lekima". The mesoscale characteristics of "Lekima" before and during the process of its landing indicate continuous high wind speed at high altitudes and that the gale winds at ground surface are caused by the descending of momentum from the upper level. The positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly on the moving path of "Lekima" before landing is the main reason for the rapid increase in the intensity of the typhoon. cause of rapid intensification. The low offshore sea temperature, however, slightly decreases the intensity of Lekima. In addition, the strength of vertical wind shear within the central area of "Lekima" before landing is helpful to predict the intensity of "Lekima". The intensity of "Lekima" increases slowly if the vertical wind shear is large, while the intensity increases rapidly if the vertical wind shear decreases. |
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