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作者:范书鸣  储鏖  蒋勤 
单位:河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院, 江苏 南京 210000
关键词:再分析风场 风场修正 温带风暴潮 数值模拟 渤海湾 
This paper selects the Bohai Bay as the study area, and analyzes the correlation between observed wind field and reanalysis wind field of Tanggu station. It is found that there is a certain deviation between the reanalysis and observed wind field. The wind speed of Tanggu station is corrected using linear fitting relationship, and the reanalysis wind field in the Bohai Bay area is corrected based on distance weight. The simulation results of the extratropical storm surge model driven by the revised wind field show that the accuracy of the trend and maximum water increase is significantly improved. It can be conclude that the reanalysis wind field needs to be properly corrected and optimized when it is used to simulate the extratropical storm surge.
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