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作者:尹路婷1  孙晓磊2  张宇3  于杰1  樊嘉璐4 
单位:1. 长白山气象与气候变化吉林省重点实验室&中高纬度环流系统与东亚季风研究开放实验室, 吉林省气象科学研究所, 吉林 长春 130062;
2. 天津海洋中心气象台, 天津 300074;
3. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
4. 吉林省气象灾害防御技术中心, 吉林 长春 130062
关键词:黑潮 台风 数值模拟 热输送 妈祖· 海流 
Using the Mass Conservation Ocean Model(MaCOM), a numerical simulation system with a horizontal resolution of 1/48° was constructed in the western Pacific. Three sensitivity experiments were carried out using this system to analyze the effect of tides and different atmospheric driving fields on the heat transport on seven key sections of the Kuroshio Current. The analysis results show that the influence of tides on the heat transport of the Kuroshio Current is about twice that of the replacement of atmospheric forcing fields. Typhoons have a significant impact on the heat transport capacity of the Kuroshio Current section where they pass through,but its impact only limited to the central area and during the passage period. No features analogous to nearinertial oscillation waves were found. There are some differences between the evolution of volume transport and heat transport in high-latitude and shallow sea areas. However, the seasonal variation of heat transport is slightly flat. The annual average and seasonal variation of the main stream heat transport of the Kuroshio Current simulated by MaCOM are basically consistent with reanalysis data and previous studies.
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