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作者:张昕1 2  高姗1 2  季轩梁1 2  杨洪桥3  朱学明3  郑静静1 2 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
2. 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术重点实验室, 北京 100081;
3. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室珠海), 广东 珠海 519080
关键词:珠江口 三维斜压水动力-生态耦合模型 海洋生物地球化学 数值模拟 
为了探索弱径流年的浮游植物分布特征,基于非结构网格半隐式跨尺度海洋模式建立珠江口的三维斜压水动力-生态耦合模型,基于模型结果讨论2021年弱径流条件下珠江口海域海表状态变量的分布,探索关键海洋要素与逐日径流量的相关性空间分布,对海表叶绿素a进行经验正交函数分解。结果表明:2021年6月下旬—8月的叶绿素a浓度较多年平均值存在负异常;叶绿素a浓度的分布在近海和远海存在相反相位,丰水期近海叶绿素a为增强态势,枯水期减弱,外海则相反;2021 年与多年均值存在较大差异的原因在于第三模态 8 月、9 月时间系数相反。整体而言,2021年浮游植物分布规律与常年较一致。
To explore the distribution of phytoplankton in weak runoff condition, a three-dimensional baroclinic hydrodynamic-ecological coupled model (Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model coupled with Carbon, Silicon, Nitrogen Ecosystem, SCHISM-CoSiNE) for the Pearl River Estuary based on an unstructured grid semi-implicit cross-scale ocean model has been established. The distribution of sea surface state variables in the Pearl River Estuary under weak runoff condition in 2021 has been discussed based on the model results. We explore the spatial correlation between key marine factors and daily runoff, and conduct an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of sea surface chlorophyll-a. The results show that chlorophyll-a concentration from late June to August exhibits negative anomalies compared to the multi-year average. A contrasting phase of chlorophyll-a concentration distribution is observed offshore and in the open sea. Offshore chlorophyll-a increases during the wet season and decreases during the dry season, opposite change has been observed in the open sea. Notably, the significant difference between the 2021 results and the multi-year mean focuses on the opposite time coefficient of the third EOF mode in August and September. Overall, the phytoplankton distribution in 2021 aligns with the normal pattern.
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