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作者:胡万亭  郭建英 
单位:河南大学 濮阳工学院, 河南 濮阳 457001
关键词:山东半岛 海效应暴雪 水汽来源 水汽通量 散度 
From December 15th to 22nd, 2023, an extreme ocean-effect snowstorm occurred in the northwest of Shandong Peninsula, and the snow depth at multiple weather stations has broken records, seriously affecting transportation and travel. The spatial distribution and temporal variation of precipitation are analyzed using satellite data and weather station data. The moisture sources of snowfall in Yantai and Weihai areas are tracked and the contribution rates of each moisture source are calculated using the WAM2layers model. The moisture conditions that cause snowfall are analyzed using ERA5 data. The results show that the Bohai Sea and the northwest part of the Yellow Sea are the main sources of moisture, contributing nearly 50% of the moisture to snowfall in Yantai and Weihai areas. The strong cold air moving southward in high latitude areas provides dynamic conditions for water vapor transport, while the warm sea surface provides thermal conditions for water vapor and its rise. The uplift of the peninsula terrain intensifies the convergence of water vapor. During snowstorm periods, the airflow in the northeast of the peninsula exhibits significant anomalous characteristics of convergence at lower pressure levels and divergence at upper pressure levels.
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