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作者:张培军1 2  周水华1 2  梁昌霞1 2  邢会斌1 2 
单位:1. 自然资源部南海预报减灾中心, 广东 广州 510310;
2. 自然资源部海洋环境探测技术与应用重点实验室, 广东 广州 510310
关键词:海表温度 卫星遥感 南海 浮标观测 台风 
针对3种不同卫星遥感海温产品(CRW SST、OSTIA SST和RSS SST)在不同台风影响期间对南海海域海表温度的表征能力进行了对比和评估。研究表明:3种卫星遥感产品均能捕捉到台风影响时海域海表温度的时空变化特征,CRW SST和 OSTIA SST 产品反映的南海海域海表温度时空特征变化的差异较小(均方根误差为0.22,相关系数为0.97),而RSS SST产品在台风过境后的局部海域显示出更大幅度的降温;CRW SST、OSTIA SST和 RSS SST产品与浮标观测数据的均方根误差分别为 1.27 ℃、1.32 ℃和 1.00 ℃。结果表明,与其他两种卫星遥感海表温度产品相比,RSS SST产品更能反映台风过境期间南海海域海表温度的变化特征。
Three sets of satellite-derived SST products (CRW SST, OSTIA SST and RSS SST) are compared and evaluated during typhoon processes in the South China Sea. The results show that all three products can capture the spatial-temporal variation of SST in typhoon-affected sea area. The difference between the CRW and OSTIA products is small (root mean square error is 0.22 ℃, correlation coefficient is 0.97), and the local SST in the RSS product decreases significantly after typhoon process. The root mean square errors of the CRW, OSTIA and RSS products with respect to buoy data are 1.27 ℃, 1.32 ℃ and 1.00 ℃, respectively. In summary, the RSS product performs best on SST variance during typhoon processes in the South China Sea.
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