福建省后汛期旱涝与大气环流和海温的关系研究 |
作者:高建芸1 鹿世瑾2 游立军2 |
单位:1. 南京气象学院2002级研究生 江苏 南京 210044; 2. 福建省专业气象台 福建 福州 350001 |
关键词:福建 后汛期旱涝 大气环流 海温 关系研究 |
分类号:P731.11 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2004·2004·第三期(1-8) |
利用NCAR/NCEP再分析资料和福建省47个站的降水资料,分析福建后汛期典型旱涝年份的大气环流和海温场特征,探讨福建后汛期降水异常的可能机理。结果表明:福建典型旱涝年份大气环流和北太平洋海温距平场存在明显差异;福建夏季降水的丰欠,主要取决于西太平洋副高的强度、分布以及南侧热带辐合带活动情况;赤道附近海温距平差异以及邻近海域黑潮区的海温距平差异,也是造成福建后汛期降水异常的原因。 |
The features of atmospheic circulation and SST field in representative drought or flood years in later flood season in Fujian are analyzed,and possible mechanism about precipitation abnormity in later flood season is discussed by using NCAR/NCEP reanalyzed data and 47-station precipitation data in Fujian.The results are shown as fellow.First,there was distinct difference between atmospheic circulation and SST abnormal field in the North Pacific in representative drought or flood years in Fujian;Secondly, how much precipitation in summer in Fujian is depended on intensity and distribution of the subtropical high pressure on the West Pacific and movement of inter tropical convergence zone on the south of it.Thirdly,one of the reasons for the abnormality of precipitation in later flood season in Fujian is the difference of SST abnormality nearby the equator and in the Kuroshio zone of the sea area nearby Fujian. |
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