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作者:郑崇伟1  李荣波1  周林2  李靖2 
单位:1. 92538部队气象台, 辽宁 大连 116041;
2. 解放军理工大学气象学院, 江苏 南京 211101
关键词:ERA-40 wave reanalysis 北大西洋 AO 周期 交叉谱 
利用来自ECMWF的ERA-40 wave reanalysis海浪资料,分析了近43年北大西洋海浪场与AO(北极涛动——Arctic Oscillation)的关系.研究发现如下主要特征:1、北大西洋海域的海表风场和(风浪、涌浪、混合浪)海浪场与AO有着密切的关系,且存在3.71年左右的共同周期和26年的长周期震荡;2、通过交叉谱分析发现,在波数k=7(周期T=3.71年)这一频率上,AO、海表风速、波高振动的凝聚是显著的.
Based on the ERA-40 wave reanalysis from ECMWF, the relationship between Arctic Oscillation (AO) index and ocean wave in the North Atlantic Ocean in the past 43 years were analyzed,. The result shows that there is a close relationship between AO index and wave field, and they have the same period of 3.71 years and 26 years long periodic oscillation. It is found that the elements mentioned above is significantly in the wave number of k=7(the period of 3.71 years) by cross spectrum analysis, and there are some certain lead-lag relations among the different elements.
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[9] 郑崇伟,李训强.基于WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ模式的近22年中国 海波浪能资源评估[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2011,41(11):5-12.
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