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作者:张志华1  郭伟2  魏皓2 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
2. 天津科技大学海洋科学与工程学院, 天津 300457
关键词: 渤海 气候态 大风频次 年际变化 AO 
利用高分辨率的卫星海面风场数据,对黄、渤海大风频次(High-Wind Freguency,以下简写为HWF)气候态特征和年际变化特征进行分析。结果表明,黄、渤海HWF气候态和年际变化具有明显的季节和区域性差异:冬季HWF最高,其次为秋季和春季,夏季最低;黄海海区各季节HWF明显高于渤海海区;各海区HWF由陆地向海洋逐渐升高,由高纬向低纬逐渐升高;近三十年来,HWF总体呈上升趋势,这种趋势存在于冬、春和秋季,夏季不明显。北极涛动(Acrtic Oscillation以下简写为AO)可能是影响冬季HWF的主要气候因子之一,它通过影响东亚冬季风强弱,影响到黄、渤海冬季HWF。当AO处于负(正)相位时,东亚冬季风增强(减弱),HWF上升(下降)。此外还探讨了冬季辽东湾HWF和该海区海冰之间的关系,发现HWF增高相应带来频繁的冷空气,使得海温骤降,冰情加剧。
The climatology and interannual variability of high-wind-frequency (thereafter HWF) occurrence over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea are investigated based on the high-resolution satellite wind field data. The results show that the climatology of wind and interannual variability of HWF have obvious seasonal characteristics and regional differences. HWF is the highest in winter, followed by autumn and spring, and the lowest in summer. HWF occurrence over the Yellow Sea is significantly higher than that over the Bohai Sea in any seasons. HWF is rising from the land to the sea, and from the high-latitude to the low-latitude. Over the past 30 years, the underlying trend of HWF has been raised. This trend exists in winter, autumn and spring respectively while it is not yet evident in summer. It is indicated that the Arctic Oscillation (AO) possibly plays a key role in the HWF over this area in winter. It works by affecting the East Asian Winter Monsoon. When AO is in negative (positive) phase, the East Asian winter monsoon enhancing (weakening) and HWF rising (falling). The relationship between sea ices and HWF in the Liaodong Bay is also discussed. It is found that the cold air occurring is more frequently when HWF is high, which makes the sudden drop of sea surface temperature and sea ice is intensified.

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