台湾海峡及邻近海域冷空气过程风-浪关系的观测分析 |
作者:陈德文1 李雪丁2 |
单位:1. 国家海洋局厦门海洋预报台, 福建 厦门 361000; 2. 福建省海洋预报台, 福建 福州 350003 |
关键词:风 浪 冷空气 台湾海峡 |
分类号:P732.6 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2018·35·第二期(44-52) |
基于2016年11月—2017年3月台湾海峡及邻近海域7个浮标的风、浪观测数据,在对该海域风、浪特征统计的基础上,针对9次冷空气过程,进行海浪对风的滞后响应分析,建立该海域的风-浪推算关系,并对多种风-浪推算方法在该海域的适用性进行比较分析,探讨该海域风区长度情况,得到以下结论:(1)冷空气过程中,海浪滞后风的时间从北到南、从近岸到远海,整体呈增大的趋势,滞后时间主要受风区长度的影响;(2)拟合得到该海域风-浪推算方法(台海法),Hs=0.946 1×(U2)0.66,拟合结果r=0.90,RMSE=0.37 m;(3) 9种风-浪推算方法中,SMB法(深水)、SMB法(任意水深)、Wilson法(深水)、Wilson法(任意水深)、规范法、海大法、台海法这7种方法在台湾海峡及其邻近海域适用性较好;(4)该海域冷空气过程下的风区长度范围的大致在50~550 km,主要集中在250~350 km。 |
Based on the wind and wave data from 7 buoy stations in Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters from Nov.2016 to Mar.2017,the characters and relationship of the wind and wave during cold air were analyzed.The results are as following:(1)During the period of cold air,the wave lags behind the wind,and the lagged time trends to be growing from north to south,from offshore to open sea which depends on the length of wind fetch.(2)The relational expression of wind and wave called "Taihai Method" is established as Hs=0.946 1×(U2)0.66 using the 6 buoy stations whose wind-wave fitted curves are quite similarly,with r is 0.90 and RMSE is 0.37 m.(3)The SMB Method with or without water depth restricted,Wilson Method with or without water depth restricted,Standard Method,Haida Method and Taihai Method of 9 Methods are quite suitable for Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters; (4)The length of wind fetch in Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters during the period of cold air is about 50 to 550 km,mostly to be 250 to 350 km. |
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