南海区台风风暴潮时空分布特征 |
作者:张海燕 |
单位:国家海洋局南海预报中心, 广东 广州 510300 |
关键词:风暴潮 南海 时空分布 热带气旋中 |
分类号:P731.23 |
出版年·卷·期(页码):2019·36·第六期(1-8) |
利用1950—2011年间286次台风风暴潮过程中的最大风暴增水资料,统计分析了南海区风暴潮的时空分布特征,并结合热带气旋活动背景及沿岸海岸地形对相应的特征进行理解。结果表明:在空间分布上,粤西和珠江口岸段的风暴潮最为频发,且粤西的风暴潮最严重,特别是雷州半岛东岸;在季节分布上,7—9月风暴潮最为频发,且盛夏7—8月最为严重;在年际变化上,南海区风暴潮存在3~4 a及8 a左右的周期振荡;在长期变化趋势上,南海区风暴潮有频次略微减少,而平均强度增强的趋势,特别是较严重风暴潮过程趋于频发。 |
The South China Sea (SCS) suffers from the frequent disasters of typhoon storm surges. Using the statistics of 286 typhoon storm surge events occurred during 1950 to 2011, this paper analyzed the spatiotemporal distribution of typhoon storm surge along the SCS coast, and explained the results combining tropical cyclone activities with coastal topography. The results indicate that the coastal segments with most frequent occurrence of storm surges are the west Guangdong coast and the Pearl River Estuary, and the west Guangdong coast is affected more seriously by storm surge. The SCS storm surges occur most frequently during July to September and the intensity of storm surges occurred in July and August are stronger. On the inter-annual time scale, the SCS storm surge possesses oscillations with periods of 3~4 years and 8 years. Besides, the frequency of the storm surge displays a linear trend of decrease, while its intensity displays a trend of increase. |
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