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作者:邓心怡1  黎北梅1  王晓春2  陈智强3  陈旻豪3  刘城4  袁飞4 
单位:1. 南京海维斯海洋信息服务有限公司, 江苏 南京 210000;
2. 南京信息工程大学, 江苏 南京 210044;
3. 上海海洋中心气象台, 上海 200000;
4. 重庆海装公司, 重庆 404100
关键词:长江口近岸 均方根误差 风电场 预报评估 
针对长江口近岸海上风电场,利用2019年8—10月NCEP全球天气预报产品和第三代海浪模式Wave Watch Ⅲ的全球预报产品做上海长禁五号、长江口灯船和东海浮标站的单点预报,利用这些站点的观测数据,针对风电场的需求评估预报精度。结果表明:全球天气预报产品中的风速预报对区域内的单站预报结果有一定参考价值,大于6 m/s风速的24 h预报准确率达到46.3%;使用递减平均法可以使风速预报的均方根误差减少10%~14%,预报准确率提高为57.0%。全球海浪预报结果在长江口近海较精确,长江口灯船站48 h预报有效波高均方根误差在0.25 m以下,相关系数高达0.80。在台风极端天气条件下,全球天气预报产品对长江口风速仍有一定的预报技巧,但最大风速的出现时间滞后6 h左右。全球海浪预报产品的预报技巧与无台风情况下没有明显差别。
This paper makes single-point forecasts for the Shanghai Changjin No 5 ship, one light house at Changjiang estuary and one moored buoy station in the East China Sea using the products of NCEP Global Forecast System and Wave Watch Ⅲ from August to October 2019, and the observation data of these stations are used to evaluate the accuracy of global wind and significant wave height prediction near the Changjiang River estuary according to the needs of a local wind farm. The results show that the wind speed of the global weather forecast products provides certain reference for the single-point forecast near the Changjiang River estuary. The accuracy of the 24-hour forecast for wind speed greater than 6 m/s reaches 46.3%. The use of the decaying averaging method can reduce RMSE of the wind speed forecast by 10%~14% and increase the forecast accuracy to 57.0%. The RMSE of the significant wave height for 48-hour forecast at the light house is less than 0.25 meters with a correlation coefficient of 0.80. Under extreme typhoon weather conditions, the global weather forecast products still show certain skills in forecasting wind speed near the Changjiang River estuary even though the maximum wind speed is about 6 hours behind. Nevertheless, the forecasting skill of global wave forecasting products under typhoon condition is not significantly different from that under no-typhoon condition.
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