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作者:英晓明  严金辉  赵明利 
单位:国家海洋局南海规划与环境研究院, 广东 广州 510300
关键词:风暴潮 溢油 大亚湾 数值模拟 
In this paper, the MIKE21 numerical model is used to establish a high-resolution mathematical model of storm surge and oil spill in the sea area near Daya Bay in Huizhou, and the model is verified against wind speed, tidal level and flow velocity. The hydrodynamic verification accuracy of the model is improved by introducing shallow water tidal components M4, MS4, M6 and 2MS6. On this basis, the model is used to simulate and analyze the impact of oil spill scenario accidents on sensitive targets in Daya Bay during the two typical typhoon storm surges of 1604 Typhoon "Nida" and 1713 Typhoon "Hato". Finally, the countermeasures and suggestions for the prevention and control of oil spill risk are given.
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